About Me

I am a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Veritas. I received a Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Prior to this, I was an undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, majoring in Engineering Physics. I also have held research positions with the ALICE experiment at CERN, with the Center of Fundamental Physics at the University of Milan and at the University of Kyoto.

Apart from shuffling between trying to understand why hard-drives fail and combating Ransomware deployments, I am also keenly interested in Automated Algorithmic Trading strategies. In a previous life, I competed in Physics and Mathematics olympiads, and represented Illinois in Squash.

News about events/papers/ideas

  • Jun 15, 2020: Just delivered a virtual talk on "Machine Learning in Physics" at CGG, Houston. It would've been a lot more fun to be there in person though, hopefully soon enough.
  • May 16, 2020: The Spark+AI Summit 2020 is just a few days away. The meeting agenda this year has 200 sessions, keynotes and breakout sessions!
  • Mar 19, 2020: Just finished giving a virtual seminar on "Physics meets Machine Learning" at Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati. Stay safe, everyone!
  • Dec 4, 2019: Another lovely paper on Deep Double Descent appeared today on arXiv. The authors demonstrate that apart from a dependence on model size, double descent is also a function of the number of training epochs. An attempt at unifying the two is made by defining a (seemingly helpful) new complexity measure.
  • Nov 26, 2019: An interesting paper on Single Headed Attention RNN just appeared on arXiv. It investigates the current state of NLP, the models being used and other alternate approaches. In this process, he tears down the conventional methods from top to bottom, including etymology.
  • Oct 15, 2019: Extremely excited to be back at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton for the 2019 version of the Workshop on the Theory of Deep Learning.
  • Jun 6, 2019: Delivered a focus lecture on Density Matrix Optimization techniques in String Theory at the University of Kyoto, Japan.